20151220 memory

2015 年 12 月 20 日上午 10 点到 11 点,对我的人生来说很重要,谢谢你。

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corporate finance notes


In the lecture Corporate Finance, Teaching Assistant Jessie Wang provides an excellent note.

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Try Let’s Encrypt with custom NGINX installation


Let’s Encrypt is an awesome project providing free SSL certs to the world. In Dec 3, 2015, it entered public beta.

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Electron as GUI of Python Applications

important notice

Do NOT need to read this post. Please checkout the updated post for a better solution and a better explanation.

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some LaTeX notes

Here are some notes for LaTeX. All from a guy’s blog: 始终.

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Alternative to Mathematica

Mathematica is a great solution to some computing problems. However it has only one disadvantage: it is very expensive. Any other way to avoid the fee? No, I am not talking about swithching to R, Python, etc.

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my English experience

I began learning English at age of 10 in primary school. However, it is in 2005 that I fell in love with English and realized its importance in my life.

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Dual Thrust Trading

Dual Thrust is a very simple but seemly effective strategy in quantitative investment.

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极简 R 包建立方法


最近想试一下捣腾一个 R 包出来,故参考了一些教程。现在看到的最好的就是谢益辉大大之前写过的开发R程序包之忍者篇,以及 Hadley 大神(ggplot2 devtools 等一系列包的作者)的 教程。但是前者有一些过时,后者是全英文的,所以我这里记录一下比较简单的过程,给读者们一个参考思路。如果你有一些 R 程序,想塞到去一个自创的 R 包中,那么这篇文章就可能是你想要的。为了方便说明,这里用我的包来进行示例。

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